


Virtual Boyfriend Companionship

Sometimes feeling another's warm smile, hearing their kind words whispered and engaging in an intriguing chat is all that is needed to make your day.

In our fast-paced society, many women find it hard to have an intelligent chat with a man. In the throes of this, it then becomes all too easy to feel alone, frightened, frustrated, and disconnected from yourself or others. You may perhaps feel as if you have not been heard, not properly cared for, or unprotected. At some point, we all feel the need to connect with another in some way for a kind word, laugh, or assurance that everything will be alright.

Woman on Cell outside

What would it mean to you to have me as your male companion to chat with during the day or to tuck you in bed at night with some pillow talk? A masculine male companion to share your day, your hopes, dreams, desires for the future, or fantasies in a supportive non-judgmental manner?

Let’s connect over the phone, text, virtually, or smoke signals, if you're into that sort of thing :), to discuss whatever is on your mind or in your heart. We can chat about anything from current events to your naughty thoughts and everything in between.

You can engage me as your personal confidant to remind you that you are human, allowed to make mistakes yet still perfect even with imperfections. You will have me to whisper compliments into your ear about how amazing you actually are; a far cry from the barrage of criticisms or doubt that you receive from others or even perhaps yourself.

I'm here for you with an open heart, a sympathetic ear to listen to, and a strong shoulder to cry on. Occasionally I may be a little flirtatious, cheeky, humorous, or share a perspective that may not otherwise occur to you.

The Covid-19 pandemic, self-quarantine, mandatory curfews, or nothing else should be an impediment to indulging in a delightful and/or pleasurable connection with me as your Virtual Boyfriend. Click here if you desire to experience me in person instead or in addition to virtually. 

I'm here for you virtually at your fingertips and/or in the flesh, however as you so desire.

Virtual Boyfriend Adventrue